Welcome to The House of Teskimos, a Fantasy-Story I created about Paxx, Bimm, Leuran and the alien dog, Bolono.

The illustrations of the story are great, but the text could be a little bit funny, because my native language is Finnish.

This is a story about Paxx, Bimm, Leuran, Bolono and their friends Mr. Bubble and Missy Michell Motivator and Ambassador of Love & Life, just to mention a few. They live on a little island named by Deer Head City, located somewhere in this Universe. (Actually it is such a little place and so like the countryside that most people who have been to Deer Head City in their dream, call the place a village, but people who live in DHC are so keen on our planet culture, music, movies, fashion, art, TV, radio and internet that they call their home island Deer Head City. I just think, let them call their home what they want, it dosen't hurt anybody). One more thing, every picture here is individual so most of the time the next picture doesn't necessarily follow the previous picture you saw. I won't explain more. The House Of Teskimos story starts here. 3..2..1 LIFTOFF!

Deer Head City is a profile of the natural beauty found in Sirius’s Solar system. You’ll be taken on a timeless story faraway in the Universe through four space travellers' lives.

The Beauty of the life hunts. In the year 2000 a small spaceship brought the first space travellers from the Earth to Deer Head City. According to legend, Bolono, a space-traveller dog, showed the other space travellers a great possibility to stay on the planet in the Sirius solar system. Here you will see what the space travellers found: beautiful nature and a place that looks like a deer head. This is a map of Deer Head City.

Here you find one changing Comic Picture at the moment

Hello my Friends, I am Bolono and I preserved this nice moment on paper just for You my Friend. Wuff Wuff, Here I am watching beautiful August night sky with Bimm and Leuran. Look Up to the sky there is magnificent constellations. Let's take care each others and remember rest and relaxation is most important thing after dancing and feet care Wuff.

The House of Teskimos Characters Paxx, Bolono, Bimm, and Leuran are trademaks of TiTaTu. ©️2023.